quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2009

Memórias que compartilhamos... III

"I was talking two days ago with a couple of friends and I asked them what was their dream, and the husband replied: To retire. To which I said: Did you have this dream since you were a child?And he confirmed this to me. I was amazed by this reply given that for me this is my worst nightmare but realized that this may be the case for many people.
So now I turn to you: whats your opinion on retirement?
Aldo's answer: I’ll never retire, it is impossible, my soul is eternal and I’m God’s part of this Universe Infinite in Expansion… I’m here now cleaning memories and remembrances to be happy and serve Him in my creations. I’m sorry , please for give me, I love you, thank you.

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Todos são bem vindos, estamos aqui para compartilhar experiências que nos iluminem, mas, por força de impertinentes baixas vibrações planetárias sou obrigado a moderar os comentários. Para bons comentadores este pingo é letra. Sintam-se em casa. E muito grato pela lúcida carinhosa presença. Venham sempre que lembrarem, se gostarem divulguem, compartilhemos nossas descobertas.Sinto muito, me perdoe, vos amo, sou grato. A faxina é infinita.