segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2009

Memórias que compartilhamos... IV

Bom dia Aldo. Do David Icke:
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
People think that a banking or stock market collapse must be bad for everybody, but it's not. If you know a stock collapse is coming (because you are going to cause it) then you sell at the highest price, crash the market, and buy back at a few cents on the dollar. In this way, those who cause the crash can end up with vastly more stock, and thus financial power, than they had before the 'crisis' and they pay comparatively little to secure it. The Rothschilds have famously, or infamously, used this technique endless times and they are doing so again today.
The thing to remember about banks, as with the business and financial world in general, is that there may be many names above the doors, but there are far fewer ultimate owners and controllers. If you go high enough, at least most of them are called 'Rothschild'. So when public and media commentators talk about a terrible time for the banking industry they miss the point. Of course, it is bad for those who lose their savings, can't buy a home, or lose their jobs. But that, to those without access to empathy like the Rothschild dynasty, is unworthy of thought, let alone feeling.
The Rothschilds, and their associated network of interbreeding or subordinate families, own the system - the game - and however that system may re-adjust and re-structure itself from time to time the game is still theirs.
For example, Merrill Lynch may have failed, but it has been absorbed by the Bank of America, a Rothschild bank if you follow the trail of hidden ownership, and so the game just goes on under different, and fewer, names. Lehman Brothers may have collapsed, but the vultures, like Barclays in Britain, are circling the corpse to seize the most profitable assets and the game goes on. If you own the game, you always win because you make the rules under which it is played.

I wish to say about we have read: _ Dear David Icke, we all must cleaning in Ho’oponopono of Self Identity which allows Divinity, who is Love, to love our enemies, our shared memories replaying, to pure energy. Then we will be in peace in zero and in our Self Identity and unconditional love, the real power, and we'll own the game. I'm sorry, please forge me, I love you, thank you!

2 comentários:

  1. Quanta mentira, isto só serve para enganar pessoas fracas que estão sofrendo e vender seus produtos.

    Curem o Bim Ladem e a fome no mundo.

    Isto é uma cópia simplista da filosofia da Sheico-no-ie que é outra grande mentira e enganãção para vender aqueles livros mentirosos.

  2. Bin Ladem é uma mentira, não há o que curar, há que denunciar, cure em você sua incredulidade diante dos fatos mais que comprovados, assista menos TV e pesquise mais na internet.
    Sinto muito, te amo, sou grato! Pegue um e-book gratuito em e bom proveito.


Todos são bem vindos, estamos aqui para compartilhar experiências que nos iluminem, mas, por força de impertinentes baixas vibrações planetárias sou obrigado a moderar os comentários. Para bons comentadores este pingo é letra. Sintam-se em casa. E muito grato pela lúcida carinhosa presença. Venham sempre que lembrarem, se gostarem divulguem, compartilhemos nossas descobertas.Sinto muito, me perdoe, vos amo, sou grato. A faxina é infinita.